

What follows is a brief summary of the ideas/themes offered by participants in three areas: agricultural water use; social and environmental aspects; and legal and binational aspects.
Agricultural Water Use - What do do?
- Reuse of treated water (appropriate technologies, wetlands)
- "Clean production" farms
- Options for small producers (revegetation and soil conservation; PROCAMPO program)
- Put a realistic price on water-apportion resources to municipalities
- PRODEPLAN-forest resources, PROCAMPO Ecológico, soil restoration (all programs under SEMARNAT)
- More precise information on water, crops, prices, extraction rates
- Problems with concessions and water saving systems
- Develop a water market-reflecting the real value of water
- Joint investment options [in conservation], but well-planned
- Improve water use efficiency, but without expanding [irrigated] acreage
- Meter wells
- Groundwater recharge
- Exchanges among farmers to foster better understanding and technology transfer
- Influence operating programs, plans and budgets
- Equitable water use
- Management mechanisms
- Sustainable use of aquifers
- Develop accurate water balance
- Assignment of recharge and its use, considering climate fluctuations
- Protecting riparian habitat
- Changes in land use
- Binational river basin council
- Exchanges and understanding
How to accomplish?-Design a strategic plan for the management and efficient use of water for agricultural purposes in the Río Conchos basin, especially in drought conditions, considering factores such as equity/balance, economic resources, recharge of groundwater aquifers, binational exchanges, environmental education and national and international water use policy. It is very important to include water users as the principal actors in development of such a strategic plan.
Social and Environmental Aspects
- Consider and give value to water "services" (soil conservation, ecological water needs)
- Ensure water rights for the river and to maintain riverine habitat
- Acquire water for environmental uses
- Reforestation and revegetation of riparian areas
- Ensure participation of water users in discussions
- Develop of ecological ordinances with people affected by the ordinance
- Reform [watershed management] councils
- Reinforce environmental legislation to prevent [damaging] land uses-study environmental impacts
- Protect springs, especially with respect to cutting of trees
- [Regional] land use ordinances
- Inclusive coordination and implementation procedures
- Expand environmental education efforts regarding water
- Consider and plan for climate change, and incorporate restoration of forests and soils
- Provide compensation to upper watershed for the "harvest" of water
- Develop a "trust" for paying forest communities ]to manage for watershed protection] (examples in Oregon and Tutuaca [Sierra Tarahumara])
- Charge for water, with equitable tariffs
- Coordinate and unite vaRíous efforts (e.g. firefighting with forested watershed protection in the Sierra)
- Consider needs of wildlife
- Exchanges between sectors
Legal and Binational Aspects
- View the Conchos as part of the Río Bravo
- Propose concrete actions (e.g. clear system of [water] allocation)
- Recognize the current state of the Conchos basin
- Donate water rights for instream flow (Texas)
- [Mexican] federal water law should recognize the binational character of the river and international regulation
- Recognize [water] quality as an issue in water quantity discussions
- Reconnect the upper and lower Río Bravo; modify operation of Elephant Butte/Caballo dams
- Consider groundwater/surface water interconnections in the law
- Develop a binational water quality norm
- Adopt a good definition of "extraordinary drought"
- Examine the operation of major Mexican reservoirs
- Increase the predictability of reservoir operations/deliveries
- Review applicable binational conventions/accords
- Change Art. 6 of the Mexican National [Water] Law to include environmental [water] use
- Modify water regulations to include ecological flows/uses
See also the list of recommendations (Spanish Only) for reform of the Mexican National Water Law, developed by Hector Arias of World Wildlife Fund Mexico.