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TCPS, Texas Center for Policy Studies Research for Community Action
Arial photograph of the Laguna Madre region.

Laguna Madre

From 1998 to 2002, the Texas Center for Policy Studies conducted studies on the Laguna Madre binational region, evaluating the general state of the economy, natural resources and ranching/agriculture in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and northeastern Tamaulipas. With funding from the Ford Foundation, TCPS partnered with the successful Mexican conservation organization Pronatura Noreste on this project. Our shared goal was to help define the economic and ecological value of the natural resources in the binational Laguna Madre region, and motivate support for the conservation of those resources.

What is the Laguna Madre

Project Elements

Laguna Madre Project Reports

Laguna Madre - Binational Advisory Committee Members

Contact Information

Karen Chapman
Environmental Defense
44 East Avenue Suite 304
Austin TX. 78701
(512) 474-7846

Miguel Angel Cruz Nieto
Pronatura Noreste A.C.
Torre GIA 3er piso
Avenida Morones Prieto 2805 pte.
Col. Lomas de San Francisco Monterrey N.L. 64710 Mexico
(011) 528-358-1106 x 18 phone
(011) 528-358-1109 fax

44 East Avenue, Suite 306, Austin, Texas, 78701, tel. (512) 474-0811, fax (512) 474-7846