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Laguna Madre Binational Initiative
- Our Common Future: "The Binational Laguna Madre Region;" Authors: TCPS, Pronatura Noreste, A.C. (Available in PDF format)
- Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from Corpus Christi to Brownsville, Little Value, Big Cost - An Update to the 1994 Report: "Subsidized Destruction"; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- The Future of the Binational Laguna Madre Region Economic and Natural Resource Symposium: Agenda & Report of Proceedings; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Results of Four Leaders Forum, April 1999; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Community Survey; Authors: TCPS (Available in PDF format)
- En Español - Nuestro Futuro Comun: La Region Binacional de la Laguna Madre; Autores: TCPS, Pronatura Noreste, A.C. (Disponible en formato del PDF)
Hill Country Roundtable
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Border Trade & Environment Project
- The Generation and Management of Hazardous Wastes and Transboundary Hazardous Waste Shipments between Mexico, Canada and the United States Since NAFTA: A 2004 Update; Authors: Marisa Jacott, Fronteras Comunes, Cyrus Reed, TCPS and Mark Winfield, Pembina Institute for Sustainable Development. (Full report available in PDF format; Executive Summary available in Word)
- Energy Use in the North American Cement Industry in North America: Emissions, Waste Generation and Pollution Control, 1990-2001; Authors: Marisa Jacott, Fronteras Comunes, Cyrus Reed, TCPS, Amy Taylor and Mark Winfield, Pembina Institute for Sustainable Development. (Full report available in PDF format)
- Lessons from A Free Trade Era in Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts in Sonora, Aguascalientes, Tabasco and Oaxaca; English Summary Document of 4 Case Studies, December 2002; Authors: Multiple Organizations and TCPS. (English summary document available in PDF format)
- The Effects of Industrialization and the Maquiladora Export Industry on the Economy, Health and Environment of Aguascalientes; English Summary, November 2002; Authors: Periodismo para Elevar la Conciencia Ecológica and TCPS. (English summary document available in PDF format)
- Aquifers and Free Trade: An Hermosillo Coast Case Study, October 2002; Authors: Red Fronteriza de Salud y Ambiente and Texas Center for Policy Studies. (English summary document available in PDF format)
- Interests and Objections: The Puebla-Panama Plan and the Huatulco-Oaxaca-Istmo Highway Project, October 2002; Authors: Centro de Derechos Humanos Tepeyac del Istmo de Tehuantepec A. C., TCPS, La Neta. (Cover, English summary document available in PDF format)
- Hazardous Waste Incineration and Combustion: A Tabasco Case Study, October 2002; Authors: TCPS, Asociación Ecológica Santo Tomás, Fronteras Comunes. (English Summary Document)
- Finding Common Ground: A Public Interest Proposal for BECC/NADBANK Reform; Authors: TCPS, North American Integration and Development Center, William C. Velasquez Institute. (Available in Word)
- The Forestry Industry in the State of Chihuahua: Economic, Ecological and Social Impacts Post-NAFTA, May 2001; Authors: TCPS, COSYDDHAC. (Available in PDF format)
- The BECC and NADBANK: Achieving Their Environmental Mandate, April 2001; Authors: TCPS, Lynda Taylor, Board of Directors, BECC. (Available in PDF format)
- The Generation and Management of Hazardous Wastes and Transboundary Hazardous Waste Shipments between Mexico, Canada and the United States 1990-2000, May 2001; Authors: TCPS, La Neta: Proyecto Emisiones and the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy. (Available in PDF format)
- The Forestry Industry in the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua: Social, Ecological and Economic Impacts, July 2000; Authors: TCPS, COSYDDHAC, Chihuahua. (Available in PDF format)
- Expanding the Mandate: Should the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission and North American Development Bank Go Beyond Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Projects and How do They Get There? July, 2000; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Hazardous Waste Management in the United States-Mexico Border States: More Questions than Answers Second Edition Updated, March, 2000; Authors: TCPS, RMLAC and La Neta. (Available in PDF format)
- Burning Our Health: Hazardous Waste Incineration in Cement Kilns, July 1997; Authors: TCPS, Fernando Bejarano, COSYDDHAC.
- En Español - Los Efectos de la Industrialización y Del Sector Maquiladora de Exportación en la Economía, La Salud y El Ambiente en Aguascalientes, Noviembre de 2002; Autores: Periodismo para Elevar la Conciencia Ecológica y Texas Center for Policy Studies. (reporte, anexo estadístico de cuadros disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - Acuíferos y Libre Comercio: El Caso de la Costa de Hermosillo, Octubre 2002; Autores: Red Fronteriza de Salud y Ambiente, TCPS. ( Disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - Intereses y Resistencias: El Plan Puebla-Panamá y el Corredor Carretero Oaxaca-Istmo-Huatulco, Agosto de 2002; Autores: Centro de Derechos Humanos Tepeyac del Istmo de Tehuantepec A. C., TCPS, La Neta. ( Cover, reporte disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - Tratadoras Térmicas de Residuos Peligrosos: Caso Tabasco, August 2002; Autores: Asociación Ecológica Santo Tomás A.C., Fronteras Comunes, Texas Center for Policy Studies. ( Cover, reporte disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - En Busca de Intereses Comunes: Una Propuesta de Interés Público para la Comisión de Cooperación Ecológica Fronteriza y el Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte (COCEF/BDAN); Agosto de 2001. ( Disponible en formato de Word)
En Español - La COCEF y El BANDAN: Logrando Su Mandato Ambiental, Abril 2001; Autores: TCPS, Lynda Taylor, Consejo de Directores, COCEF. ( Disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - La Industria Forestal en la Sierra Madre de Chihuahua: Impactos sociales, ecologicas y economicas, April, 2000; Autores: TCPS, COSYDDHAC. ( Disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - El Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos en los Estados Fronterizos Mexico - Estados Unidos: Mas Preguntas que Respuestas Segunda Version; Febrero 2000; Autores TCPS, La Neta, RMLAC. ( Disponible en formato del PDF)
En Español - La Contaminacion de Metales Pesados en Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, Septiembre 1999; Autores: CILADHAC, Torreon En Defensa del Ambiente, A.C., Torreon. ( Disponible en formato del PDF)
Border Water Project
- The Río Conchos: A Preliminary Overview, January 2001; Author: Mary E. Kelly, TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
Legal & Institutional Framework for Restoring Instream Flows in the Rio Grande: Fort Quitman to Amistad, March 2001; Author: TCPS. ( Available in PDF format)
Growth at any Cost? Reconciling Economic Development Policy and Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin, January 2000; Author: TCPS. ( Available in PDF format)
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Texas Green Scissors, Environmental Tax & Fee Reform Project
- Green Fees and Scissors in Texas: 13 Recommendations for Greening the State Budget, May 2005; Authors: TCPS, Friends of the Earth and others. (Available in PDF format)
- Bridging the Gap: Green Tax Options for Texas Schools, March 2006. (Available in PDF format)
- Dwindling Resources: Comparison of SB 1, CSHB 1 and Impacts on the Core Functions of the TWDB, TCEQ and TPWD and Recommendations for Action; April 2003; Authors: Cyrus Reed, TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Making Polluters Pay: Environmentally Responsible Ways the 78th Legislature Can Raise New State Funds; February 2003; Authors: TCPS and Public Citizen. (Press Release available in Word, Full Report available in PDF format)
- The Real Budget Project: Funding Levels and Needs at Natural Resource Agencies in Texas; October 2002; Authors: TCPS. (Press Release, Full Report available in PDF format)
- Improving Environmental Responsibility in Texas: Opportunities for Tax and Fee Reform, April 2000; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Adequately Funding State Environmental Protection Programs: Moving Toward a Pollute Less, Pay Less System, September 2000; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- The Public Water Systems Fee: In Need of Change, September 2001; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
- Legislative Recap: What Happened to Funding and Fees at the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and Other Natural Resource Agencies in 2001, September 2001; Authors: TCPS. (Available in PDF format)
Pesticide Information Network
- Pesticide Report Card: Texas Schools Score from A to F in the Integrated Management Program, September 1999; Author: Bala Wong, Consumers Union Southwest Regional Office; Editor: Kathy Mitchell, Consumers Union Southwest Regional Office. (Available in PDF format)
- Pesticides and Texas Water Quality. January 1999. (Available in PDF format)
- Preserving Texas Fishing: Better Data Needed About Pesticide Use, January 1999; Authors: Mary Kelly, TCPS; Dwayne Anderson, Texas Clean Water Fund. (Available in PDF format)
- Realm of the Unknown: Pesticide Use in Texas, January 1999. (Available in PDF format)
- Atrazine Contamination of Texas Drinking Water: Your Right-To-Know, January 1999.
Texas Environmental Almanac
The Texas Environmental Almanac, 1st edition, 1995: Author: TCPS. (Available online here.)
The Texas Environmental Almanac, 2nd edtion, 2000; University of Texas Press, Compiled by: Mary Sanger and Cyrus Reed. The Almanac is no longer in print.
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