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TCPS, Texas Center for Policy Studies Research for Community Action
Map of U.S. and Mexico Border


TCPS has released a new report that calls for strengthening the binational border institutions, created as part of legislation parallel to NAFTA, in order to continue environmental infrastructure in development along the 100 kilometer border region.

The report is available in English and Spanish.

The BECC and NADBANK: Achieving Their Environmental Mandate (PDF Format or MS Word format)

La COCEF Y BANDAN: Logrando Su Mandato Ambiental (PDF Format or MS Word format)

The report recommends building on the present model, instead of shifting the review and technical assistance functions of BECC to the NADBANK.

As well as detailing progress made by both BECC and NADBANK over the last seven years, the report makes six concrete recommendations, including:

  • Increasing contributions to the BECC's operating budget;

  • Continuing and increasing EPA border infrastructure construction grants currently administered by NADBANK;

  • Continuing and increasing EPA grant funding for BECC's technical assistance program;

  • Giving the BECC and NADBANK's newly adopted mandate program sufficient time and resources to be implemented before considering any changes to the agreement;

  • Providing resources for BECC to coordinate border wide regional strategic plans;

  • Implementing NADBANK's changes to its financing policies and interest rates and considering additional measures to make loans even more affordable.

    Contact Information

    Cyrus Reed
    44 East Avenue Suite 306
    Austin, TX 78701
    512.474.0811 phone
    512.474.7846 fax

44 East Avenue, Suite 306, Austin, Texas, 78701, tel. (512) 474-0811, fax (512) 474-7846