Action Plan
Post-Vote Press Conference

Final Vote on TNRCC by Sunset Commission September 20th

On Wednesday, September 20, the Sunset Advisory Commissioners will vote on
recommended changes at the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
The Commissioners are being HEAVILY lobbied by polluters to do nothing--to
either vote against or weaken the Sunset staff's existing recommendations.
On the other hand, thousands of citizens from across the state have urged
the Commissioners to vote for more meaningful changes--changes that may
actually result in a cleaner environment and protection of public health.
The urgent need for meaningful changes, which go beyond the good first-step
recommendations made by Sunset staff, were passionately articulated
throughout hours and hours of public testimony in June,  in position
papers and in a list of Priority Recommendations submitted to the Sunset
Commissioners by the Public Interest Sunset Working Group and others.

Action Plan: Join the Citizen Monitoring Team
The Public Interest Sunset Working Group is assembling a large team of
Citizen Monitors to come to Austin and monitor the vote on the 20th.  But
we're hoping the Citizen Monitors (and others who can't make it to Austin)
will do much more than just monitor.

Let the Sunset Commissioners and your legislators know you're watching.
Letters in advance of the vote to the Sunset Commissioners and your
representative and senator letting them know you'll be attending and/or
monitoring the September 20th vote are crucial.  Get other groups in your
area to sign on to your letter even if they can't make it to Austin as

Reminding the Commissioners and your legislators exactly what you want them
to vote FOR and why is crucial.  (See attached Public Interest Sunset
Working Group Priorities Recommendations as a starting point, and feel free to add
other demands.)

The Sunset Working Group will help anyone who would like to be a Citizen
Monitor write letters to and/or set up visits with legislators, send out
editorials to your local paper, and make travel arrangements in advance of
the September 20 vote.

Post-Vote Press Conference
We'll distribute official "Eye on TNRCC" Monitor Badges outside of the
hearing room that morning starting at 8:30 AM to identify ourselves during
the vote. We hope to pack the room with identifiable Monitors.  Afterward,
we'll hold a press conference at the Capitol responding to the vote.  Ten
grassroots spokespeople from the ten Sunset Commission districts will speak
on behalf of the group.

1) The Vote The Sunset Commission meeting begins at 9:00 AM in E1.030 in the Capitol extension building.  We expect the Commissioners to have voted on the TNRCC Recommendations by noon.  (A public hearing on some other agencies begins in  the afternoon.)  No public testimony will be taken on TNRCC before or after the vote.
2) Our Press Conference After the vote we'll assemble in a room to discuss the outcome and prepare for the press conference.  The press conference will take place at 1:30 PM in the Speaker's Committee room on the second floor of the main Capitol, just outside the House Chambers.  The Public Interest Sunset Working Group will handle all the details of sending out the press release, making calls to get the media there, reserving the room, etc.
3) Pre-September 20 Work Your work now is VERY important.  Please let us know if you will be able to make it to Austin on September 20th.  Even if you can't come to Austin, your help is still needed!  Please copy and send the attached letter to each Sunset Commissioner with your own comments.  Or, better yet, write your own letter or make a personal call or visit.  Be sure, at the very least, to send in the enclosed postcards to the Co-Chairs of the Sunset Commission before September 18.

For more information or to let us know you're coming, contact Erin Rogers at
512-454-3050 or

Sunset Commissioners
    Chair: Rep. Fred Bosse (Crosby) ph: 512-463-0660 fax: 463-9884
    Rep. Warren Chisum (Pampa) ph: 512-463-0736 fax: 463-5896
    Rep. Pete Gallego (Alpine) ph: 512-463-0566 fax: 463-5896
    Rep. Brian McCall (Plano) ph: 512-463-0594
    All Representatives share the same PO Box: P.O.Box 2910, Austin, TX
78768-2910.  All Represenatives have the same basic e-mail address: first

    Co-Chair: Sen. Chris Harris (Arlington) ph: 512-463-0110 fax: 463-7003
    Sen. Eddie Lucio (Brownsville) ph: 512-463-0127 fax: 463-0061
    Sen. David Sibley (Waco) ph: 512-463-0122 fax: 463-3729
    Sen. Judith Zaffirini (Laredo) ph: 512-463-0121 fax: 475-3738
    All Senators share the same PO Box: P.O. Box 12068 Austin, TX
78711-2068.  All Senators share the same basic e-mail address: