Eight-year-old Gets Attention of Sunset Commission Members

by J. Lyn Carl
Gallery Watch Cloakroom

AUSTIN (6/22/00) - Sunset Advisory Commission members were
silenced by an eight-year old at their June 21 hearing.

Elementary school-aged Emily Fallon of Alpine stayed around until
late in the evening, waiting her turn to give oral testimony as
the Commission conducted its Sunset review of the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation commission (TNRCC).

She followed the testimony of her grandmother with a brief but
compelling statement imploring members of the Sunset Commission
to do what the people had elected them to do - listen to the
people and help solve their problems.  Then in her small but
gripping voice, issued them a forewarning perhaps on behalf of a
generation of young Texans like herself who are still a decade
away from being eligible to vote.

"My name is Emily Fallon," she told the panel of raptly attentive
Sunset members and an equally attentive audience. "I am eight
years old.  I live in Alpine, Texas.  I hope that you have
listened carefully to everyone who has testified today.  I hope
you will help all of us by fixing the problems.  You are our
leaders.  Grownups have voted for you to help us. When I can
vote, I WILL vote - for leaders who will listen to the people.
Thank you."

Although Sunset Chair Rep. Fred Bosse usually admonishes audience
members for spontaneous outbursts during testimony before the
Commission, the applause for young Emily passed without comment.