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Areas of Potential or Known Groundwater Pollution Resulting from Agricultural Activities

ORANGE | Counties with groundwater contamination from pesticides.
PINK | Counties with nitrate levels exceeding EPA recommended drinking water standard of 44 mg/L in more than 20 percent of samples. 1) More than 60 percent.
RED | Counties with arsenic concentrations exceeding the recommended EPA drinking water standard of 0.05 mg/L in more than 20 percent of samples. 1) more than 50 percent.
Source: Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, A Comprehensive Study of Texas Watersheds and Their Impact on Water Quality and Water Quantity (Temple: Texas State Soil and Conservation Board, January 1991), 131-137; and Texas Groundwater Protection Committee, Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report, 1993 (Austin: TNRCC, 1994), Tables 2 and 5.

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